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Global Issues Project- By: Keegan Reinhart


In this new era, we are often told to keep our views on relevant world issues to ourselves. To avoid the ever-going battle that is the society of opinions, where intangible ideas can tear relationships apart. Although this is an effective solution in a temporary light, it is important we are taught to voice our opinions respectfully, as well as respectfully disagree with others. So that is exactly what all 8th grade Language Arts classes set out to do, along with our very own librarian, Ms. Chabot. They combined a research unit with the real-world lesson of respect for different views. Letting us take the steering wheel to form our own opinions on important and relevant topics. Every student will be creating a final project- an infographic- on their chosen topic. Their topic was selected from list of over 20 world issues ranging from LGBTQIA+ Rights to Gun Control Laws. In the process we learn about MLA citations, valuable and reliable sources, the C.R.A.P. test, creating an infographic or WIX website from scratch, and how to successfully take notes to support our formulated thesis. What have I learned through the process, how have I grown as a student? Beneficial tool we will be utilizing throughout the rest of high school and college, base. As a student participating in this project I have learned more about the world we live in and gained a whole new perspective. It is interesting to see my classmates in a more mature way as we all formulate or opinions, views and stands on big topics. I have grown to have more understanding about why these things aren’t talked about, as well as why they maybe should be. We are learning things that will be building blocks for high school and college. It seems we are all growing together during this project and look forward to presenting our final projects in a couple weeks.

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