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The Victorian Stroll
By: Anna Yarsevich

Every year in downtown Saratoga there is a Victorian street walk. This year it occurred from
December 1st to 4th. It is a time for people to enjoy themselves and celebrate the start of the
holiday season. This is also a time for business owners to sell and advertise their items. On the

first day of the celebration, which happened on December 1st, authorities and police closed
Broadway for the ceremony. There are all sorts of events that occur during this 4-day timeline,
such as singing, dancing, eating, and having a good time.
This year was the 36th anniversary of the Vic. Stroll in Saratoga. They celebrated by inviting
local American idol finale contestant, Madison VanDenburg, who grew up in Cohoes, New
York. She sang 4 classic songs plus 2 of her original hits. She performed on December 1st at 7:00
Most of the exciting events occurred on December 1st. At 6:00 p.m. Broadway closed from
Spring St. to Lake Ave. The activities and most of the restaurant open houses started. At 6:30
p.m. Emcee Steve Kuzj welcomed people to the 36th annual Victorian stroll. At 7:00 p.m.
American Idol's Madison VanDenburg's performance started. At 7:30 p.m. Santa and Mrs. Claus
opened the Winter Cottage to light the tree with the help of Madison VanDenburg and one of his
elves. They started accepting kids in Santa's Cottage shortly after and up until 9:00 p.m. At 8:00
p.m. The Dance Lab in Saratoga performed a Tap Show and Hip Hop routine at the main stage.
At 8:30 the Saratoga Soundtrack Choir performed on the City Hall Steps. At 9:00, the first night
of the Victorian stroll ended.
The Victorian Stroll is also a time for wandering street performers to advertise and show off their
skills. Some of these performers include Saxaphone Santa, Acadia Rae Hula Hoop, Sparks the
Juggler, and the Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga.
The Victorian Stroll has been a tradition in the United States for over 40 years. Troy also holds a
Victorian stroll which was created in the 1980’s to expand the Greens Show. The Greens show is
a Christmas tradition in Troy which turns 13 rooms of the 1827 Hart-Cluett house into a
beautiful winter display, celebrating the City of Troy. The Troy Victorian Stroll pays respect to
the city's architecture, history and birthplace of innovation.
The fashion of the Victorian era consisted of corsets, bonnets, top hats, bustles and petticoats.
During the Victorian Stroll in Saratoga, when you are walking down Broadway, you are
encouraged to wear such fashions during the event. As you stroll the streets you can request to
take pictures with the people that are dressed up.

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