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Picture this...It is demonstration speech time in Grade 8, and you are nervous. You walk into the school wanting to avoid class, skip out on the speech and simply not do it. 

Instead, the school resource office Deputy Martin sees your nervousness, helps you out, makes you build confidence, and sends you on your way. This is exactly what happened to 8th grade Hathorn student Reicheiymm Erwin- He came in on Monday, nervous about his speech, he waltzed into ELA class- he had confidence, positive thoughts and he was able to show us all the ins and outs of the basketball game and its history! 


When he was returning the borrowed basketball back to his gym teacher he ran into our Deputy Martin and challenged him to a one-on-one game...We waited anxiously for it to unfold! The picture is of him in the gym...the score was 11- 5 and Deputy Martin took the win! To say that this was a huge turn of events from how we walked into the day is an understatement! Team 8H was so proud of our student and his basketball skills! Way to go! 

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